Friday, January 16, 2009

Speaking Turkey

Last week when I went to clean a house I had an interesting situation. Normally they aren't home but when I went in I could hear the baby crying upstairs. I said--hello--hello--no one answered so I started to get busy. I look up the stairs and a lady was standing there shushing me--she started jabbering in Turkey(or whatever people from Turkey talk--I said I'm sorry i don't understand you and she continued to jabber. Finally I said--I'm cleaning the house--to which she replied--Sordy, sordy, sordy, sordy---being interpreted sorry. She was the lady's mother visiting form Turkey. She thought I was her daughter. I have laughed about that all week. She didn't know I was coming so I'm thinking this lady can't speak English and she thinks someone is just invading the house what on earth am I going to do. She then asked me if I would like some tea or anything to eat! It was funny.

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