Friday, January 25, 2008


I'm just sitting here in my warm fuzzy slippers, sipping my hot cappicino, gazing at all the piles of dirt that I just swept up!!! Oh how I wish I had a cleaning lady, then I could just kick back and relax! But, since I don't(kind of ironic because I am the cleaning lady to alot of people--on the other hand maybe I should hire myself) I guess I should get back to reality and sweep up the piles, vaccum the rugs, clean the bathroom, mop the floors, fold the laundry, and straighten up the place. Then maybe just maybe I can relax--of course then it will be time to pick up kids, cook supper, practice piano, do homework, etc. Oh, the life of a mom!! I wouldn't trade it for the highest paid executive position in the world--well, maybe some days but not right now~HA~(Notice I didn't post this this morning at 7:45 A.M. when I was trying to get everyone out the door into the van!)

1 comment:

Ronda said...

I had to smile when I read this...Our work is truly never-ending! AND I agree...I wouldn't trade it for anything! Have a great day!