Thursday, November 13, 2008


I found this writing posted on Jordan's board at school. It is a paper he wrote just for the fun of it---I thought it was very unique.

What is a conviction? A task to be completed? A bet to be won? Does it matter if it is only half finished or believed? No, a conviction is binding, it shapes us. It shows others the committment we possess for a strong belief. It is not something to be taken half-heartedly, nor something that we can barely abide by and hope to retain. A conviction is not an on the spot decision inspired and refined by a random thought or question. How could you stake your life on that? Wouldn't you think it through as much as you could? Wouldn't you try to make it sound and steadfast? If not then you have no conviction. Do you have a real conviction? Or is it an excuse to justify the unjustifiable actions you make in its name? Can you prove your convition with argument and emotion? or do you hide it when you are with others? You must dwell in it when you are alone and shine with it when surrounded. Can someone who does not know you guess it, or even know you have one? Does it bring joy to others or thrive in tearing them apart? When you sleep does it comfort your dreams, or haunt your mind? Does it attack you, or lull you into peaceful slumber? Does it strengthen you and give you purpose, or does it strip you of inititive? Does it eat at your conscience, or does it build it? When you reflect on it are you proud or ashamed? Would you give whatever it would take to hold onto it? Would you share it with others that are interested, or keep it to yourself? In essence a conviction is you. A conviction is something retained after all else is lost. Something that can always make you smile and feel secure. when all others have forsaken you it remains at your side. But, what is this perfect conviction? It is faith in Jesus Christ. He is all of this and so much more. To have all of him you have to give him all of you. Make Him your conviction. Because, you were born His.

P.S. I didn't ask him but I am quite certain he wasn't doing this instead of his school work--oh no never!


tacomom said...

Wow! I can't even wrap MY brain around that right now. His writing reminds me of one of my friend's.

Keith said...

Good stuff. Tell Jordan he needs to start his own blog.

Anonymous said...

Keith, I think he might have one ---I'll find out.
He should send you a rough draft of his book he wrote---I'm sure you have alot of time on your hands-ha! He sends his stuff to Brent and Bradley and they critique it for him. He literally stays us late at night writing. Seems a little weird to me:) I tell him he should really enjoy college.